Help Wanted!!
Brother Kirby Rhines is on the move... recently retired, Bev and Kirby have moved to Florida.
Kirby has played a huge role in our Fraternity since his days of Worthy Master, and over the last 8 years, he has made huge contributions working with the Active Chapter to grow and ensuring we maintain the best Greek House on campus.
With his move, we will need a new Housing Corp Treasurer!
Get to Know… John (Bosco) Bostick
Third in a series, we at Zeta Lambda give a big salute to: Capt. John Richard Bostick (Mu ’65) As we get to know John (Bosco) Bostick... Many of our younger Brothers may not have heard of “Bosco” but he is truly a high flyer like no other Brother ever to come out of Zeta Lambda. John has literally soared …
50th Anniversary of Alpha Beta Pledge Class
Very exciting to see the 50th Anniversary of our Alpha Beta Pledge Class!! Here at Zeta Lambda, we got all of our alumni to come down to the house from the Alpha Beta pledge class. These brothers were all ecstatic to have a chance to all meet again and we are thankful that they shared their anniversary with us.Alpha Tau …
Alpha Tau Omega Founders Day
Alpha Tau Omega Founders Day is celebrated every year on September 11th. "Dear ATO Brothers, Almost 16 decades ago, right after our country had been ripped apart by the Civil War, three young men sought to create an environment where college men could celebrate not just good merit among men but “true merit wherever found.” September 11, 1865 was the …
Zeta Lambda Rush Fall 2022
Brother Riley Drone announced that our Zeta Lambda Rush for Fall 2022 welcomed 15 new men into our chapter! We are very excited for what this class has to offer and look forward to what they will accomplish. With addition of 15 pledges... our chapter is now at 58 Brothers.
New roof after 30 years... Replacing the roof was on top of our list of items to do in 2022-2023... with a weather event, insurance was able to cover new roofs for the House and the Game Room. With the air conditioning and new roofs we are making great strides for our Zeta Lambda chapter for the next 30 years. …
Zeta Lambda Three-peat True Merit
We won the first three-peat for Zeta Lambda True Merit in history! Congratulations to our Brothers for a truly awesome acheivement. What is True Merit? It recognizes academics, social service, leadership… basically, doing all the right things. Here are a few items from last year helping our chapter acheive True Merit... Last year's True Merit recognition Link to ATO National …
Mark your Calendar... Homecoming 2022
Mark your calendar for Homecoming 2022... it is October 27 - 30 and is the Centennial Year for Murray State University. In 1922, Murray, Kentucky, was chosen by the state legislature as the home of the western Kentucky normal school, known today as our beloved Murray State University. For 100 years, Murray State students have been provided a collaborative, opportunity-rich …
Jason Barr - Eta (June 12, 2022)
Stassen Thompson - Nu (September 18, 2022)