TON of fun at ΑΤΩ’s Moms’ Day on Saturday!! The day comprised of lunch at Cracker Barrel, some day drinking, painted flower pots, and played sons vs moms family feud!
Funniest part of the day was when she got the question “where do kids spend most of their time these days,” mom hit the buzzer first and said, with full confidence, “Chuck E. Cheese!”
Justin HutchisonThank you to Murray State ΑΤΩ for putting this together and thank you mom for spending your day off with me! I love you!!
Why ΑΤΩ’s Moms’ Day — below are just a few reasons:
Happy the boy whose mother is tired of talking nonsense to him before he is old enough to know the sense of it.
Augustus Hare
My mother was the making of me. She was so true, so sure of me; and I felt I had something to live for, someone I must not disappoint.
Thomas Edison
A mother’s love doesn’t make her son more dependent and timid; it actually makes him stronger and more independent.
Cheri Fuller
Here is to all ΑΤΩ moms’!!
Prepare for the fall – some Murray State events, Parent Weekend and Homecoming.
Also check out our philanthropy activities.