
Scholarship Funding

Scholarships Given

Scholarship Donation Participation
Murray State ATO Alumni
Murray State ATO alumni numbers over 1,400 brothers. We continue living our brotherhood and leadership post graduation, as a result…Upcoming Events

Homecoming 2024
Make your plans for Murray State Homecoming 2024!! It is October 17–19, 2023. Our chapter is thriving and it’s a…

Alumni Lunches in Murray
Please join our local Murray ATO alumni lunches. Meeting each week, a number of Brothers catch up and share stories…
Project Zeta - Building for the next 30 years
Project Zeta Update – Summer 2023
Summer 2023 Project Zeta Update… this summer we hit two immediate needs for the House and the Brothers living in…
Project Zeta
During New Business at the Homecoming chapter meeting, Project Zeta was introduced. Project Zeta will position our Zeta Lambda Chapter…