Donate to ATO Scholarship Fund

Donate to ATO Scholarship Fund by using Murray State’s Alumni Association Online Giving Secure Portal

(make sure your earmark your donation for THE ATO SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION)

Please click ‘other’ to select multiple designations.

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ATO Scholarship Directions

***Note — you can make a one-time contribution or make a pledge to be honored over up to 5 years. Contributions are tax deductible so please consider making your initial contribution as part of your yearend tax/charitable giving before the end of each year.

Scholarship Criteria and Other Information:

  1. Awarded to active members of ATO Chapter enrolled as full time students at Murray State University
  2. Administered by MSU Foundation in Consultation with the Scholarship Committee appointed by the Murray ATO Housing Corporation/Alumni Chapter
  3. Initial Criteria includes a GPA that is required to be an active ATO with consideration for other campus activities, ATO involvement and need
  4. Additional criteria to be established by the Scholarship Committee in consolation with MSU foundation
  5. If ATO chapter ceases to exist at MSU then Scholarships to be awarded to descendants of ATO members
  6. If not practical, then to the general scholarship fund of MSU
  7. If for any reason the MSU Foundation no longer administers the scholarship fund, it shall be turned over to the ATO National Fraternity to be administered

For more information on the Murray State ATO Scholarship Fund

Scholarship pays off with back to back True Merit